Okay.. Seriously many things happen just within a month. I’m seriously overwhelmed. See how many time of "SERIOUSLY" that I’ve used?! Ahaha.. that’s how serious I am. Like I've written in my previous post, I've won the Rexona Teens Room Makeover worth RM10,000 and Marion Caunter coming to my house. The long wait have gone and now she's here! Marion Caunter came to my house! Channel V did shooting at my very place with me in it too ^^. Then best of all, MY ROOM MAKEOVER worth RM10,000 is finally done! Okay.. Cut the crap short,let the Kodak MOMENT begin ~~~

Channel V video shooting...

The Process seriously hardcore..

Shaz D Project Manager

TL the Channel V guy who always hungry..

Very Classy I must say..
Simply love the chandelier to the max

This piece of Canvas here is S.U.P.E.R.B.
(gotta admit that I lurve it mainly bcoz the whole pieces is about mua..
*EHEM* jk.. not Only that ler.. I love it bcoz
It also have my beloved sister's pictures as well as the sweet moment of my life)

I wonder what my sis is bz-ing about..


from behind, the beardy guy is Clifford (no.. not the Big Red Dog)
The yellow T-Shirt guy Ivan Kom Wee Meng
(I kept forgetting his name til i had to search in Clifford's facebook before i get to know his name back.. sheesh)
Front row.. My Sis, Me & Lovely Marion

The whole FSquared team.. Thanks Ivan, Diana, & Clifford who designed my awesome room

Channel V Crew & Project Manager.. from back left
TL the hungry man, Shaz the project manager, Eva the sexay Diva, Me the Lucky girl, Beloved Sis & Marion the Star!!

Eheheh.. mr Tecko.. MY B and sister.. All enjoying the new room

Yes, I LOVE IT!!!

I love my room..

***Thanks Rexona***
and everyone else who help to make this happen..
OMG. You always win contest. Sigh. I'm so jealous. Give me some luck, I want to win a HP Mini.
omggg!! wah ur always winning things! i really respect you... my queen of the jungle :)
Simon -->> Not really always lar.. just lately =D
Spinzer -->> Thank you my dear king of the jungle.. ^^
eh ur previous room so messy. .. haha~ but after makeover its quite nice la~
Eaxan --->> Well duh~~ If my room is clean i wouldnt need a makeover in the 1st place right?! lol...
Haha.. I just realized that I haven't seen you without costume makeup until this post.. =)
Soon Seng --->> **Blush**
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