OMG.. I won!! I won Dell XPS M1330 Laptop. It’s not luck okay!! I put a lot and I do mean A LOT effort into it.
After work, I rush to rent costume. At first I was so sad because they don’t have any costume that look appealing to me and then I saw this fury outfit and thought that it might work as lion by adding ears and tail. So Lion it is.
I swear to ya that it’s the sexiest outfit I ever wear out to face the public.
It took me a lot of guts to bare my whole stomach out to the world
when I don’t have Fergie's body.
Okay.. I digressed.
After I got my costume I went to buy ticket and unfortunately it’s sold out and left Saturday Noon. I freak and search and finally settled for Saturday 9am from another bus company name Super Nice (which extremely not nice at all,
I felt as if I sat in a spoilt massage chair during the whole journey).
I went back home and survey on face painting and Lion pictures on the net and when all done, it’s already close to 4am in the morning.
Slept at 4am then woke up at 6am to bath and pack my bag.
I rushed and had to wait for the darn bus for 45minutes! See how Not nice is it. Then arrived around 3pm at Pudu for Shida (Thanks dear for all the help) to come and pick me up and we went for lunch.
After that, we search around for make up artist to give me a Lion look. We search as if we’re on some Treasure Hunting, from Taipan to SS15 to Sunway and finally found somebody to do the make up at Sunway Pyramid.
I went from shop to shop and got rejection and weird look from people when I asked for Lion face. Never in my life have I walked into so many Beauty Salons before. They all are either closed or don’t provide such services. By the time I finished my make up is around 8pm and I’m forced to change into my outfit inside the car (it is Kelisa, so imagine lar ha..).
I reached there around 8.30pm and with heart thumping from all the rushing and puffing, I end up looking like a scared Lion.
I know nobody there and thank god I met Estee, she’s so kind and we became friends in a snap (too bad didn't manage to snap picture with her). Then only I felt like I’m not alone.
Didn’t even cross my mind that I can win nor be the Top 3 Best Dress of the night. I was chatting at the photo booth when Ah Liang shouted for me a few times and I walked blurrily there. Took me a moment before I realised it is for the Top 3 Best Dressed of the night.
When they are announcing the Queen of the night, got one kind man asked me;
Stranger: Do you want me to snap picture for you when you receive the prize?
Ah Liang: And the winner is..
Me: No thanks. I don’t think I will win.
Ah Liang: Jolyn the Lioness!!
Me:*say nothing and just push the camera to the stranger*
Wahahahaha.. I thank the Stranger but I don’t know who he is.
Erm.. After a few ponders..
Okay,I admit.
I do have some luck because of these people;
My Bf - That drive me here and there to search for the outfit and ticket and station etc.
Shida – That Pick me up and drive me around throughout the day at KL.
Yunda - That meet me up just to put my belonging inside his car for safe keeping because hard for me to walk around in a Lion outfit while carrying a bag pack right.. lol
Estee- Who accompanied me throughout the night and be OH SO kind to me.
Mak- Who patient enough to wait for me near to an hour (I told him to pick me up at 10pm) to pick me up to go change and send me to pudu for my 11.59pm bus.
And last but not least all those who voted me for the Queen of the Jungle title.
Thanks for being my lucky star. =)

Me & Ringo Tan.. The infamous blogger/model/writer

Joe the Gorilla..
I asked him to wear the Gorilla's head but he refused,
he said "Hard to Breath".

The Sexy Ladybug..

Gang up by the whiteS =P

The tame and the wild..

We dine well.. Ala Carte!!
Although i ate super lil only as my face is fully make up..
Hard maintenance..

The crowd is ferocious

Queen of the Jungle -- A Happy Lion
**Complimentary by Mr Stranger**

King of the Jungle look Scrumpalicious..
Due to late arrival, I have to CURI-ed people's photo for
your viewing.. Thank me for CURI-ing,
Thank them for the nice pictures...

Joe the Gorilla with Head

Animals at the registration booth..

Estee is the one on the Front right...
Muacks =)

What a bunch of animals... eheheh..

A hunter with her animals...

Moo Moooooo~~~

The Chicken Rice Shop must be finding for their Mascot..

Timothy giving speech to a crowd of animals...
eehehe.. I'm liking the "animals" word..

Some of the animals here are very rare..

No wonder this uncle can confuse with what animal he is...

Aiyo.. The Gorilla is trying to lick Liang's Ear..
Eeww... So wrong..

Mr Pooh Sad sad coz no prize for him..

Woo.. Bunnies.. The Guy Bunny(on far right end) always make me go -.-"

Yikes... So many of us..

Top Best Dressed..
Ladybug,Ostrich,Lion,Elephant Terorist,Cow, and Bunny

Me Roar!!!

Me win..
Nicely done! Congratulations!!
Congrats. Sorry, didn't vote for you, I have to vote for Tock Tock the cow, he's my friend mah.
Hi from the bumble bee! :)
Congratulations for winning the laptop. Thought you deserve to win because you were really outstanding in the party! Wee!
Eevon ---> Thanks ^^
Simon Seow ---> No thanks >=P
Vvens --- Hi back to ya.. 10q =)
So many picture you had put at here~
So good to meet up with all bloggers at there~
simon, there were two voting slips, no meh? one for king and one for queen of jungle!!
haha congratulations on winning the laptop Jolyn! you really deserved it, not like me, who really has a lot of luck on my side :D
congratulations :)
ur make up looks good on u :)
Dsvt ---> Yea.. indeed a really nice meet up...
Spinzer ---> Congrats for having so much luck...
Liang Mui ---> Thanks dear.. *blush*
u really deserve it here and by the way, penang got shops that rent out costume? How come I don't know one? XD.
Next time Penang bloggers also can organize lepak outing. Since you oso Penang one. I was there on a holiday and managed to squeeze in the event before I leave for Penang on Sunday.
I am the hunter by the way, =)
Ping Ping ---> Alright.. nest time got lepak outing at png.. buzz me.. I'll tag along ^^
Congrats! Blogging can be rewarding :)
- stranger
tho i did take pic with u, i did give u my vote. looks like my moo pic is appearing in many blogs
u did pic with me? i see no moo and lioness also.. ?.?"
oops, i meant "tho i didn't" .... hehe
Lolx.Kenny Pooh. Good matching =)
First time dropby....
Welcome to my blog Mr Jeromefo.. =)
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