I guess June is the month where everybody just wants to come up with something. I’m so caught up with all these events that kept popping up in my face non stop. Although I may pass and get the rest I needed but my hedonism just won’t let me to. My greedy heart wants to go and enjoy all the events that I encounter with.
So again, lacking loads of sleep (I felt like a walking zombie but I doubt anyone will notice, that’s the wonder of make up.. heh) and with an itchy heart to win got me to enter ACGC cosplay competition.
Animation Comic Games Convention @ Gurney Plaza, Penang.
It’s my second time got involved in a cosplay event and this is really an eye opener. So many people are involved. Although only 15 contestant that enter the cosplay competition but for this event you can find roughly around 50 cosplayer lurking around every corner of the mall. You can see camera flashing here and there. Suddenly I felt like a superstar (ehem, pardon my narcissism) as almost every moment people asked me to snap picture with them. Thank god the character I cosplay is icy queen villain which doesn’t smile so I’m free from face cramp. Lololol..
The cosplay competition got two round. First round we need to strike three pose. Second round we need to act out with things that are given to us(e.g. hp, book, comb, bag, etc.). For the first round I think I did just alright but for the second round it’s a goner. Lol.. They gave me a book, wth a Villain wants to do with a book??!! I really have an awful awkward moment while I’m up there. I just threw the book and said I don’t want as Kirakishou just want her Rosa Mistika and bla bla bla.. I’m all wipe out. Lolol..
oh well… like Red said, “Remember that all this is for fun only”.

She dressed up so nicely but didn't enter the competition..

Me, Quist and Sue

You snap, We pose..

LolitaS that make somebody => R*an go gaga.. =P

Hotlink team.. They gave a very good performance

Ryan, Chun KING, BB and Mr Anytime,Anywhere..(He is so single and available..Buzz me if you're interested.. ehehe..Ryan i know ur so going to tell him & he so gonna kill me)


Babe willingly get hit by me.. eheehe.. he's so loony and cute at it too..

Contestant Part 1

Contestant Part 2

winners of the day...

We & Monte Cristo (He's very geng, He eyeshadowED his whole face)
He won the title Best Craftsmanship (Sony Ericson HP W series, the best prize of the night),

From left, 1st runner up, Champion and "ME" 2nd runner up

so.. I'm not the champion this time but she is..

Oh well, like Red said "Just for Fun"
Afterall.. I'm happy to get 2nd runner up..
better than nothing ^^
& yea.. I won something Again! =P
why my shino didn't win? :'(
wah i wonder what did no.1 do to win? what is she supposed to be anyway?
Cool stuff btw :D
i reli sua pa kao d... i dunno gurney got such thing oso hahah~
y u be comic many times 1...
Spinzer -->> I dunno what she is but she pose and perform very well..
Eaxan -->> Ur outdated since ages ago..lol.. n y not be many times.. what for i went costum made my costume if i dun intend to wear it?? @@"
i swear, next time i will take photo with any of them, each of them! (GOD pls gv me more power! to be brave!)
Yes Ryan.. I'll pray for you... LOL..
OMG, you're on a winning streak here.
Simon --->> yeee.. A lil i gez.. =P
Hey, Kirakishou, mind emailing me some pics of us? I thought we had quite a lot of those... :P
ok dokie Red ^^
im so excited when i saw u at the ACGC event!!!U r so elegant!!!i dun know whether u still remember me o not~~~im salah satu from the lolita gang lah XD~~~
Thanks Molly,
I do rmb the lolita geng,
what colour or costume did u wore for that day..
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