YES!! I WON!! Thanks to Rexona Teens Room Makeover Contest , I WON Room Makeover worth RM10,000. Never in my life had I ever won such a huge Prize. wuhoooooo~~
First of all I have to thanks my sister who bugs me to help her enter this contest which end up I entered myself. Thanks to my B that got me all the Rexona sprays that I need for the points. Last but not least, my friends who voted for my room.
Not only they will come and revamp, my room will also make an appearance on Channel V Remote Control with me inside of course. ^^ OMG, I’m so excited.
Few hiccups for this joyous moment, my sister didn’t manage to post up her room for people to vote. Her room got infected by virus I presume because after installed some youtube gadget in her room and all just got jammed. Pity her, but she do get half of the prize as I promised. B also entered this contest and he got second most voted room but buhoo..due to some unexplainable reason, he didn’t win the grand prize but he did win IPOD NANO 4GB!!! Not bad huh..

Oh well… Everybody gets a little bit of something in the end. All I need to do now is starve my self a little so when I appear on TV I won’t look huge because not everybody got Flat Screen TV right?! Lol…


My Winning Room...

I felt that B's room is better than mine... but still couldn't beat me.... gagagagag
They said they will come around 2 to 3 weeks later for the Room Makevover. So.. till then, YAY me... Stay Tune... ^^
=] Congratulations on ya "going to be" RM10,000 sweet little room! B sure to show us the new room's look, just wonder how a RM10,000 room look like..sure wil b super pinky look =]
Congrats once again!
seriously i know both of us cant wait from them to deco our rooms.
rmber to keep me update about ur room yea!
cuz they definatly deco for u 1st as u're the 1st!
nice song, where found tis...jolyn^^
Jolyn cgratz on winning rm10k worth room make over....
my room also messy.. nid u to come make 4 me^^
btw... well done for u create blog.
hopefully u put more ur cute cute photo wif sexy pose here ... haha
so i help u promote to many leng chai .. haha
Hey...CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to see ur room ( if i got the chance to do that..haha)...
Thanks evry1... I'm so excited that they will come and revamp on this thursday and it's SOON!!! Stay tune ^.-
i'm not sure if u still remember me or not.. however, congratulations to you!!
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