"What is cosplay?". A question that I asked myself when I know they are coming to Upper Penang Road for March Little Penang Street Market.
I do a little research at Wikipedia and found out;
'Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure?), short for "costume play", is a Japanese subculture centered on dressing as characters from manga, anime, tokusatsu, and video games, and, less commonly, Japanese live action television shows, fantasy movies, Japanese pop music bands, Visual Kei, fantasy music stories (such as stories by the band Sound Horizon), and novels. However, in some circles, "cosplay" has been expanded to mean simply wearing a costume.’’
At first I intend to enter the cosplay competition but I was too late as the deadline already passed and I don’t have any costume. Oh well, there always be next time. '
The market itself was quite interesting with handmade souvenir from seashells to art display. Well the eye opener for me is the Cosplay. Although very little people who joined only, I mean seriously LITTLE!! Only seven participants who entered the Solo Cosplay competition and only 1 group for the Group category (you SERIOUSLY don’t have to sprain your brain about who will win this category).
Although very few who enter but enough to teach me what to do and what not to for future Cosplay competition like this. I came back home all cite about getting myself into the cosplay for the next event they are coming up with at KDU college this June.
Fine Art- They makes art out of those little seashells that we always step on the beach.
My sis at the fundough stall
Even the waves are made from the fundough
The most occupied stall, full with Cosplay peers
Not bad crowd we have here
She pose the best, Look at her eyes..
I like her costume the best but i think she didn't win bcoz
of her shoe..I wonder which anime got silver coloured shoe..
She got 3rd place, YES, she's a SHE..
lolita babe.. she got 2nd place
The winner..
All of the contestant, Hopefully the next competition.. lil ol me will be up there ^^

...Punny of the days..
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